Banner: Flamin' Sharp - Phone: 0402 610 296

Flamin' Sharp | Ph: 0402 610 296


Flamin' Sharp offer a comprehensive 'On Site' sharpening service to four distinct customer bases.

These are:

Industrial and Commercial

Catering for Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Sheet Metal Works, Roofers, Fibre Glass Boat Builders, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Installers, Mechanics and Workshops.

Hospitality and Tourism

Catering for Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, Café's, Deli's, Fish Shops and Take Aways, Hospital Kitchens, T.A.F.E Colleges and High Schools.

Household and Domestic

Catering for Kitchen, Home Workshop, Sewing and Hobbies, Gardening and Outdoors.

Hair Dressing

Catering for Salons and Working from Home Hairdressers and including Sales, Sharpening and Repairs.

Drill Sharpening Training with Drill Sargeant

Logo - Drill Bit Sharpening Training with the Drill Sargeant

Flamin' Sharp are very proud to announce their next venture Drill Sargeant: Offering on site sharpening lessons so that you can learn how to sharpen your own drill bits. Australia Wide.

One on One Tuition

Learn how to sharpen Steel Workshop Drills like a true professional freehand on a proper bench grinder.

Throw away those Dinky Gimmicky Sharpening devices because they never work satisfactorily.

Even those 6, 7 and $800 grinders are near on useless!

All you need is a 6 or 8 inch Bench Grinder and you are well on the way.

The DRILL SARGEANT will teach you the SKILLS needed to competently sharpen most workshop drills.

We also offer an Advanced Course that will teach you advanced Sharpening Skills on how to sharpen Wood Drills, Masonry Drills, Centre Punches, Cold Chisels, Wood Chisels, Tin Snips and how to turn a broken drill into a Flat Bottom drill for drilling perfectly round holes in thin sheet metals.

Never buy another drill again and save big dollars. Drills usually break or go blunt after hours or on weekends when the hardware stores are closed.

How many people get frustrated and "Have a go" at sharpening a drill only to say, I can fluke one every now and then.

Your newly acquired skill can recoup your investment in no time flat because every drill you sharpen will save you money.

On average, a new drill will cost you about $1.00 per millimetre of diameter. So a 6mm or ¼" drill will cost about $6.00, an 8mm or 3/8 drill around $8.00 and a 13mm or ½" is about 12 or $13. When you talk larger Reduced Shank Drills, they can be 30, 40 or $50. Once you have mastered Drill Sharpening, you will have no trouble in making a few dollars sharpening drills for mates.

Remember, 99.9% of people couldn’t sharpen a drill if their life depended on it!

The DRILL SARGEANT will supply you a 4 Hour, one on one Theory and Practical course on all aspects of Steel Workshop Drill Sharpening. We will supply a Diamond Dressing tool to keep your wheels clean and true. Also supplied are a Drill Angle Guage and a specially modified tool rest angle cover to greatly assist with correct angles and a small Instruction Booklet to cover Technical Details of the course.

During the course, we will be sharpening your drills which at world parody pricing which equates to $2.00 each and this could be $200 worth of drills.

Tuition on Your Door Step

The DRILL SARGEANT travels to most areas of Australia on an AS REQIRED basis. It is a matter of registering an EXPRESSION OF INTEREST by clicking the link below or alternatively, having a chat on the phone or emailing me.

Drill Sargeant also offers Weekend Training Courses at our Training Facility here in Bordertown S.A.

On Site Accommodation is available at a nominal cost to cover meals.

Fees for Tuition

DRILL SARGEANT Fees are $400 for the 4 Hour course which includes the Diamond Dresser, Jigs and Instruction Booklet and will cover Basic Steel Drill Sharpening and Web Thinning.

Alternatively, $700 for 2 people trained at the one time.

The Advanced Course of 3 hours is $300.

Bundle the 2 Courses

If you decide to combine the 2 courses and do them at the same time, we can reduce the training fee to $600 in total.

We do offer a 10% Referral Discount for each person introduced and participates in the course.

Never put up with a Broken or Blunt Drill again and leave the frustration behind.

Learn a New Skill that you can use for life.

Throw away those gimmicky sharpening devices that never work.

Save Dollars and earn Dollars along the way.

Start the ball rolling and give Drill Sargeant a call on 0402 610 296 or email us at [email protected].